My new silk scarf came today and I’m one happy human. Glorious color, true to the image above. Swashbuckling size, a lovely hand (feel) to the fabric, and so far the only one on Earth. I designed it and I’ve been well served by Print All Over Me (PAOM), a Print On Demand (POD) service that is set to take off. As a business and as a business model.
I’d been testing the waters with another POD service but PAOM offers the scale and brio that I’m most comfortable with. And silk proves the best substitute for my favorite medium, pixels.

PAOM craves the new flamboyance — hip-hop inspired, bumptious, thrumming with visual energy. Here’s a sample outfit:

I’m wild about this new fashion but it belongs to today’s cohort. My cohort trucked through beads-and-denim hippiedom. Tom Wolfe called us Beau Brummels and I suspect he’d dub today’s new gonzo stylers the same.
OK I get the look but I can’t wear that look to the grocery store. Not all at once anyway. Say one t-shirt at a time.

However I can flaunt my hoary wisdom and pair the Mario Bros with a gold-toned silk jacket from my closet. Tried it a few times. Packs a wallop.

It would be excellent if I could direct you to my PAOM store but their coders lag far behind the curve. The website sucks. There’s a new version supposedly in the wings but but but. When that kink’s smoothed out and I have an organized store I will let out a shout that you will hear.