Choice Rebecca Solnits
I am again profoundly admiring, jealous, changed by the incisive writing of Rebecca Solnit. From the one essay (above) I quote only a few …
I am again profoundly admiring, jealous, changed by the incisive writing of Rebecca Solnit. From the one essay (above) I quote only a few …
Do you ever notice how few intellectuals visit gun mayhem on churches? Funny isn’t it? Even though their members score unusually high …
I say women, I mean women as traditionally socialized. I say wimmin, I mean valkyries who’ve had it with patriarchy and its affectations. Wimmin are …
In the great Alabama Senate race of 2017 let it be known that nearly two-thirds of white women voted for alleged child molester Roy …
or The Dandification of (Male) Assaulters Used to be that those, like me, tracking portraits of evil people (their faces) collected almost always men. Pasty-faced, …
“A congressman grinding against a staff member on the House floor, while sticking his tongue in her ear.” This description is from an …
Patriarchy will never be stamped out — the male instinct is to dig in his heels and fight for turf. Try to battle the manly …
The Faux Holies are out in droves nowadays. Not only Christians — Buddhists killing people? But in America it’s the Christians who are …
Chicken Little was right. Chunks of solid blue have begun pelting down like enlarged raindrops. Some are big as Volkswagens. The world as …
It was not long ago that a woman like me felt she was swimming along like a dolphin in waters making instinctive sense to her …
Samantha Bee is the only one of he Jon Stewart fraternity — but Samantha Bee was in there — the Jon Stewart sorority? — well …
A child is sure monsters are under her bed. Or in the closet. She’s young, the frights of the adult world are disconcerting. Makes perfect …
Oy, an e-missive from the Patient Site of my healthcare conglomerate. 414 pages of scientific links related to my condition. Hell, Chiari Malformation? if I …
America is poised between just another sunny day and living forever with radioactive fallout. Blame it on the Confederacy that hadn’t the decency to admit …
Buildings around the world lighted in green. What does the ego that stomped the US out of the Paris Accords make of all the greening-up? …