Once you see the ceramic hybrids of Gerard Ferrari, they may wander in the back of your mind for weeks. He promiscuously combines beastie elements (web feet, tail) with mechanical elements (gas pump nozzle artillery muzzle).
Ferrari’s Machine Age forms stand their ground assertively. Zoomorphic and not, harbingers of a transhuman future, possibly transduck. I suspect he’s learned a lot from comic books and cartoons.
I find he has his simplified low-chroma pieces under better artistic control — as opposed to controlled by a jolly sense of the ridiculous. One feels worthwhile as art, the other can roll off into cutsie-pie kitsch. I love him most as a sculptor of bold and elegant shapes.
You’ll find most of the works here plus others are on his website, gerardjustinferrari.com.


You may find Ferrari’s work badly scrambled online — search for one piece, you get another. Still Ferrari’s at least.