

Mondays from the Past

CREDITS: Sloan Nota, Guts. 2021
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H004. In the History Archive

Guts is an artwork noting the many ways we subdue our demons. In many cultures proving your courage can hold against deep fear is prized. Particularly in that rebellious passage through young woman- and man-hood.

Acrophobia, fear of heights, that one can feel in sudden leg weakness and disorientation, is confronted my the figures left and right. A wobble in either case is ill-advised. They earn the tribal badge to wear from now on — a feather on your head, a bronze medal on your jacket.

The young woman in the center confronts with clear eye a white supremacist. She confronts something as built-in to us as a fear of heights. Fear of hate. Admit how hate can work inside yourself, an undertow of doubt.

This woman confronts a hating being with confidence. Proof of her guts.

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